a research project on the Cognomina by Dr. Fritz Carlton and graduate staff from the University of Königsberg Department of Personality Studies
The Cognomina is a secret organization of 30 or so individuals
who claim past life memories and who reportedly re-associate with one
another in each successive incarnation. It is claimed that some
of these 30 members remember many past lives, essentially maintaining a
contiguous timeline of life, death and rebirth leading back
centuries. If these individuals do remember their past lives with
total recall of loves, languages, skills, experiences, then one could
argue that this unbroken timeline spanning many lifetimes essentially
makes the transcending personality centuries old.
Evidence of the Cognomina
The first mention of the of this group dates to the 15th century in the Konstanz Codex with additional references coming in the early 19th century from the noted Swiss statesman and historian Ludwig Meyer von Knonau.
Now startling new evidence of the existence of this underground organization comes from the memoir of Evan Michaels titled The Reincarnationist Papers. Discovered in an antique store in Rome in the 1990's by a travel writer, The Reincarnationist Papers are the compilation and translation of three notebooks left by Evan Michaels, an American with memories of two past lives. The memoir details how Evan meets a woman like him only she remembers her past 14 lives dating all the way back to the early 16th century. Once convinced that Evan does remember two past lives, she invites him to join a secret organization of other individuals, some remembering lives back nearly 20 centuries: the Cognomina.
Written from a prison cell, Evan's original notebooks were to be left with a prison cellmate to be reclaimed by the author in his next incarnation. How the notebooks came to be in Rome is unanswered by the book's editors.
Some interesting details about the Cognomina and its members are detailed in Evan's account. The Cognomina is based out of a small private hotel in Zurich (name and address withheld for the time being) but their motto "Unus Nomen, Plures Ago" (One Name, Many Lives) is inscribed above their AugustinerStrasse street number. Members of the Cognomina are very secretive about the organization and their membership and many request for interviews have been denied of identified members; lawsuits have been threatened and desist orders placed against the University.
According to Evans memoir, eyewitness accounts and our research, all members of the Cognomina wear a small tattoo called an embe on the back of their right hands. The distinctive tattoo is way for members to recognize each other [in new bodies in each incarnation].
The embe tattoo
Per Evan's memoir, new members undergo an arduous initiation ceremony in which details, facts and skills from past lives are put to the test. Upon acceptance by a panel of established members, initiates choose a name [that transcends their current life] by which they will always be known to the other members and receive an embe tattoo. All members of the Cognomina attend an annual get together on the summer solstice.
Members may be staying in touch with one another via a protected website.
Current state of research
Despite the injunction pending against the university, our research into this group continues. If the are what they claim and they remember sometimes dozens of past lives (recalling skills, languages, experiences, loves and loses), then they are in essences as old as their first incarnation. The reality of this statement is staggering but true. Therefore we continue to pursue the evidence available; please see the evidence page for what findings we are currently allowed to present. If you have evidence of the existence of the Cognomina either documented or anecdotal, please email it to